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When The Student Outgrows The Master

Chris Bailey

At some point the student outgrows the master.  And so it was when Toitū Envirocare served its own boss, the New Zealand Government, with a red card on its permanent forest carbon credit projects. Their bold stance late last year is applauded by those who believe in environmental sustainability standards and integrity.

To get technical for a moment, the Permanent Forests Sinks Initiative and PP89 (Permanent Post 1989 Forest category of the Emissions Trading Scheme) will no longer be accepted for carbon offsetting in the Toitu carbon certification programmes.

What this also signals is Toitu Envirocare positioning itself in the ‘clean as a whistle' camp in an increasingly cluttered market of environmental sustainability service providers. They are staying pure to the highest international standards, in this case the The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM).

I’m no expert in forest or emissions offsets but I applaud their stance. We need Toitu Envirocare to be the upholder of standards or the commercial market will determine our fate, possibly at the detriment of progress and our global reputation.

Chris Bailey

GreenHalo Founder

Our mission is to support and grow the community of Green Angels. Toitu Envirocare has been driving environmental sustainability for decades so hats off to them.

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