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GreenHalo Automation Helps Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

Chris Bailey

It’s that time of the week when you just want things to get easier.

Here’s one of GreenHalo’s automation features that will save you time, money and frustration.

Mary Cunningham was hired as employee number one at Ember Technology, GreenHalo’s parent. Hamish Saunders disputes that and they argued it out for over 10 years. Mary recently resigned for a fantastic role at University of Canterbury and, according to Hamish, the case has been closed. It was sad to see Mary leave after eleven years and there was much fanfare. Affectionately known as ‘The Team Glue’, she had a beautiful combination of attention to detail, patience, kindness and determination.

Mary was the perfect person to lead our journey into net carbon zero certification in 2020. She diligently collected the data from our emissions sources - electricity, petrol, waste, freight, water and the occasional flight. There are about 30 emissions categories so we got off lightly. But getting information into one place seemed desperately time consuming. Mary would take an invoice and manually type the relevant information into a spreadsheet. That spreadsheet was then re-configured to meet our audit requirements with Toitū Envirocare.

Unlike Mary, I’m impatient and have average attention to detail. Mary’s time was valuable and this carbon accounting was dragging her away from other important work. I wasn’t having it and, as simple as it sounds, that was why we started GreenHalo – not that we ever intended it to be publicly-available.

Ember Technology has been delivering data automation services for years so, behind the scenes, we use five different automation methods to pull customer’s supplier data into GreenHalo. Right now, our development team are flat out building supplier connections so that you can simply select your suppliers from the list. It’s fast, easy and in the best cases information can be displayed in GreenHalo in near real-time.

Talking to our customers, I’ve estimated GreenHalo’s ability to automatically draw carbon emissions data can save a large corporate* up to $80k p.a. and a medium sized organisation* up to $40k. It’s not unusual for a large, complex corporate to have at least one person dedicated to this job full time.

Customers will always have to do some manual work but, to get a taste of GreenHalo’s automation, click on the Demo company at and have a play. Sadly, you won’t be able to chat to Mary but our friendly customer service team is available on 0800 GO GREEN to answer your questions.

Chris Bailey GreenHalo Founder

GreenHalo’s mission is to support and grow a community of Green Angels. Mary is one of the Green Angels and a much-loved former member of the GreenHalo team. We miss her a lot but she’s doing fabulous work supporting university students to become entrepreneurs and future leaders.

* Large organisation: 1,000+ staff, 3+ locations, 10+ emissions categories. Medium organisation: 300-999 staff, 3+ locations, 8+ emissions categories.

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